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The Back Story- Part 1

Writer's picture: DonnaDonna

I should probably explain how Cocoon came to be. This will take a few posts that will carry over to other posts and so on. I'll do my best to keep on track and not jump all over the place-for the side tangents I'll create a link for that part of the conversation to come later. I did mention in the first post we would evolve over time right? Oh and all of this writing and sharing? It's my kryptonite, but growth is uncomfortable in the beginning so...

...Here We Go

I have been a licensed hairstylist for over 25 years. I trained and worked in a traditional salon environment (which I had conflicting feelings about and was ultimately not happy in!), I have had an in-home salon and have for a short time also run a salon in a local Alzheimer's care facility.

In my younger days (much, much younger days) I had intended to pursue a career in occupational therapy then somewhere along the line life happened, that career didn't happen and here we are.

It may be important to note that I grew up in Niagara, went to elementary school in Niagara Falls, junior grades & high school in St Catharines, moved back to Niagara Falls in my early 20's and raised my kiddo there for the most part of their life and a few years ago we moved to Port Robinson.


Throughout the last 10 years I have had some major life changing events- some devastating and some amazing! All of them important events which led me down a path of necessity rather than passion. I have achieved huge personal & professional growth & enjoyed titles and awards that many people strive for. Although I was good at what I was doing at the time and will be eternally grateful for the people I was interacting with on all sides of the table, there has always been something missing.

Let me tell you it's a strange and uncomfortable place to find yourself in when you have achieved what so many others are dreaming of and are continuing to work really hard to reach and may never get there- a decent salary with lots of perks including company cars and a comfortable life but to still feel there must be more-something is missing. It's a sad and scary feeling, one begins to question their sanity because along with all of that comes the feelings of guilt for seeming ungrateful for everything offered to them. It's a dreadful and unhealthy place to be.

The Shift...

Then one day the shift happened. The mindset changed while listening to various country songs and podcasts over the course of a few months- a luxury afforded to one whom is on the road most of the day for their job. In these songs and podcasts questions were asked-

  • When was the last time you did something for the first time?

  • What would your younger self be sad or disappointed that you gave up or stopped doing?

  • What would your younger self be happy or proud that you have done or are doing?

  • If you didn't have family or financial obligations that you have now and could be doing anything you want- deep down what is it?

  • What is that "thing" that makes your soul sing, that makes your heart happy?

  • How would you serve?

  • Are there things that you absolutely love to do? How can you do them and serve at the same time?

  • If tomorrow you had to do for free, what you are doing today, would you be as passionate about it?

  • Look around at the what the world needs, what's missing? Where's the gaps? Can you fill the gap?

And the biggest question of them all- THEN WHY AREN'T YOU DOING THAT???

What's stopping you?

  • Too old? Nope.

  • Can't afford it? Nope-can always do it or participate as a side hustle until it takes off.

So why not? What's your purpose? Your thing. Your reason for being here? It's not to work, sleep repeat with no passion behind it, lining CEO's pockets while missing your kids teenage years & spreading yourself so thin that you have nothing left for yourself or the people that matter most to you (which sadly was my reality).

The Lightning Strike

When those questions were posed over months and months (they didn't happen all in one day) they were asked in various forms and the answers percolated to the top where I couldn't ignore them any longer. The day it clicked it was like a lightning strike and suddenly, no holds barred, this is it, I found my thing!

Thanks for reading!

Check out The Back Story: Part 2! Coming Soon!

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Apr 22, 2020

Thanks so much Julie! I hope you are staying safe and healthy! 🙏🤗


Julie Damore
Apr 21, 2020

Good on you Donna, to really follow what you know makes your heart sing takes a step of courage, a conversation with those who love you and then one step ... off a cliff that is probably only an inch high ... well done ❤️ Inspiring


 Niagara Region's NEW mobile hair service, offering haircuts and sets in your home. Cocoon Mobile Hair Service exclusively specializes in supporting clients with anxiety/mental health challenges, sensory or mobility issues and disabilities with an emphasis on Fibromyalgia, Dementia/Alzheimer's and Autism. 

Cocoon MHS is LGBTQ2S+ inclusive and is committed to creating gender affirming safer spaces and haircut experiences.

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